I didn't want to make resolutions that I didn't think I could follow (save the world...stop eating cookie dough ice cream etc) because let's be real, when you are feeling down, a good Ben & Jerry's pint always seems to make you feel ten times better. Yes, I am not the healthiest person in the world and since now, I have been kinda living off a Ramen Noodle every night kind of diet....
Here are my resolutions...
Drink Water: I want to commit to at least 2 bottles a day. I know you are supposed to drink 8 glasses, but I want to ease into it.... also, this resolution means to cut down on the Snapple and Coke. This is going to be my toughest one of all... (I love Raspberry Snapple!)
Relax: Working this past semester was really tough on my stress level. Therefore, I am going to relax and de-stress. I have to lower my anxiety level...I need to let the small things go.
ZUMBA!!: I need to start getting use out of my Wii, start playing Wii Fit, Zumba and Just Dance 3. A fun way to exercise!
Save Money: ... because now c'mon. If you are a girl, you understand how hard it is to save money when you see the cutest thing in the window fronts of a store. Also, the makeup counters at Nordstrom do a really good job making you want to go over and test all the makeup...
What are your resolutions? Thanks for reading!!
My sister just started zumba and she had a total blast! Good luck with your resolutions!